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All of the so-called "facts" contained on this page are false. These "facts" fall into the category of truthiness in that there is no actual fact in any of these statements. This is a social experiment to see how people react to false rumors about a person, especially during a presidential election. I will post repsonses on this website as they become available to show you the results.

As the current presidential election has progressed, several things have come out of the conservative media that are, at best, ludicrous. These statements that have come out are nothing but fictions made up by the media in order to discredit Barack Obama, and they have had to lead his campaign to start a website called Fight the Smears.

I find it insane that a person would have to start a website just to bring out the actual truth. Barack Obama, at no time attended an islamic madrasa, he is a legal American Citizen, and he does put his hand over his heart for the pledge of allegience. These truths and several more can be found on that website.

Let me re-emphasize that all statements contained on this website are false! These statements have simply been made as part of a social experiment to test the gullibility and reaction of the people who view this sight and chose to respond.

The creators of this website take no responsibility for the spread of this information as actual fact.

The Website Administrator